Reach Ridho God With Siwak
Siwak or tooth brushing is the favorite of the Prophet. On each occasion he always bersiwak, even though each bed is always readily available siwak beside him. Before his death he still had time before bersiwak menghebuskan last breath. Sholi Sallim Allahumma wa 'alayhi.
Siwak itself according to Imam Nawawi can mean a deed for cleaning teeth or it could mean a wood used for brushing teeth (Wood Aru; siwak; Salvador Persica).
So brush your teeth like a kital do every day using toothpaste for example can also be called with Siwak. Could also be interpreted or wooden objects (aru wood) used for brushing teeth. Although brushing teeth with a wooden Aru in the view of the majority of the more mainstream more mainstream.
Of course there must be intent aatau present intention to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet when brushing your teeth, when the bath is done everyday. And certainly there is no reward at all if not intended. Then brush your teeth we're doing just cleaning teeth.
From the hadiths, hadiths about siwak there is a hadith that is extraordinary that when 'A'ishah reported:
"Four kinds of habits of the Prophet: Shy, wearing scented husband, bersiwak and marriage." (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi. Hasan Hadith)
Here we can pat the chest, that there is no story at all of the books of Allah that exist today, or a history of the prophets of God but the Holy Prophet how the habits of their prophets. We know that the Prophet is also bersiwak than just the narrative of our Prophet. It is truly remarkable, because a small deed was done also by the prophets who may number in the thousands. And habits of the Prophet, could only cover all the narrative is told by the Prophet, ie the Prophet Muhammad.
So no more excuses we leave bersiwak, when ablution, prayer, or when about to perform worship.
Allahumma wa Sholli Sallim 'Alla Muhammad.
The Sunnah is almost obligatory
One of worship are considered mild but barely obliged by the Prophet. But because it would incriminate considered siwak on his people, then none of the hadiths that show the necessity of bersiwak. Although sebenaranya if carried out, at least today was very easy. Every time we, at least when bathing must bersikat teeth because we know the benefits and functions of tooth brushing for oral health and dental.
But should also not leave siwak minimal when the ablution, and when they wanted to Solat. As recommended by the Prophet below:
لولا أن أشق على أمتي - أو على الناس لأمرتهم بالسواك مع كل صلاة
"If my people, then it would be burdensome (or in humans), then will I tell them to bersiwak each would pray" (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
لولا أن أشق على أمتي لأمرتهم بالسواك مع كل وضوء
"Had I not incriminate my people, I would tell them to bersiwak each about ablution." (Narrated by Bukhari)
His habit of not only bersiwak when wudu or praying, but when he still was after Solat bersiwak anyway. As illustrated in the following hadith:
كان رسول الله j يصلي بالليل ركعتين ركعتين ثم ينصرف فيستاك
"It is Allah's Apostle praying two rak'ahs night, then go bersiwak." (HR.Ahmad & Ibn Majah. Hadith of Ibn Abbas Hasan history)
When the Prophet Return to Home
And it was amazing anyway after hearing the narrative of his wife, Aisha that the work done when I come home from the Holy Prophet is bersiwak!
عن عائشة أن النبي j كان إذا دخل بيته بدأ بالسواك
From 'A'ishah, "Is (custom) when the Prophet entered the house, he always started with bersiwak." (Narrated by Muslim)
When Wake Up
Something that is very common for brushing teeth before bed, but deeds of the Prophet when I wake up instantly bersiwak is an example we should emulate as well. It is known from the accounts of some of his companions. Ibn 'Umar reported:
أن رسول الله j كان لا ينام إلا والسواك عنده, فإذا استيقظ بدأ بالسواك
"It is not sleep unless Allah's Apostle Siwak (always) in dekatntya. And if he got up immediately bersiwak. "(Narrated by Ahmad. Hadith Sahih)
"It is the Prophet if the wake from the night he was washing and scrubbing his mouth with Siwak". (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
From Auf Ibn Malik reported:
قمت مع رسول الله j فبدأ فاستاك ثم توضأ, ثم قام يصلي, وقمت معه, فبدأ فاستفتح البقرة لا يمر بآية رحمة إلا وقف فسأل, ولا يمر بآية عذاب إلا وقف يتعوذ, ثم ركع فمكث راكعا, بقدر قيامه, يقول في ركوعه: سبحان ذي الجبروت والملكوت, والكبرياء والعظمة ", ثم قرأ آل عمران, ثم سورة, ففعل مثل ذلك
"I've built with the Prophet, then he bersiwak, followed by ablution. Then he Solat and I was praying. (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Nasa'i and Abu Dawud)
Musa al-Ash'ari ra tell anyway:
أتيت النبي j وهو يستاك بسواك رطب. قال: وطرف السواك على لسانه وهو يقول: أع, أع. والسواك في فيه كأنه بتهوع
"I've been told of the Prophet, when it bersiwak with Siwak he was wet. Siwak tip it over his tongue and sound (voice) "uh .. uh 'when the tip siwaknya in his mouth. As if he was about to throw up. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
The story of Ibn Abbas
عن ابن عباس أنه بات عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذات ليلة فقام نبي الله j من آخر الليل فخرج فنظر في السماء ثم تلا هذه الأية في آل عمران إن في خلق السموات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار حتى بلغ فقنا عذاب النار ثم رجع إلى البيت فتسوك وتوضأ ثم قام فصلى ثم اضطجع ثم قام فخرج فنظر إلى السماء فتلا هذه الأية ثم رجع فتسوك فتوضأ ثم قام فصلى
From Ibn Abbas that one night he had stayed in place of the Prophet, then at the end of the night he woke up then went out and looked to the sky and then read this paragraph (paragraph in the letter of Ali Imran), (Verily in the creation of the ceiling and the earth, and change of night and day) ... until he went to subsection (... then the guard ourselves from adzab hell). Then he returned again to the house and bersiwak and ablution. then stand up to prayer, then lie down with the tilt and then got up and looked out into the sky as he read this paragraph again, then go back into the house and bersiwak, ablution, and then stood up to pray. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Siwak Before Death
This is a custom Bersiwak Prophet anytime and anywhere, even before he had time bersiwak wafatpun. This was disclosed by Aisha who proudly told the Prophet before his death clutching at his own house:
أن عائشة كانت تقول إن من نعم الله على أن رسول الله j توفى فى بيتى وفى يومى, وبين سحرى ونحرى, وأن الله جمع بين ريقى وريقه عند موته, دخل على عبد الرحمن وبيده السواك وأنا مسندة رسول الله j فرأيته ينظر إليه, وعرفت أنه يحب السواك فقلت آخذه لك فأشار برأسه أن نعم, فتناولته فاشتد عليه وقلت ألينه لك فأشار برأسه أن نعم, فلينته, وبين يديه ركوة - أو علبة يشك عمر - فيها ماء, فجعل يدخل يديه فى الماء فيمسح بهما وجهه يقول: لا إله إلا الله, إن للموت سكرات. ثم نصب يده فجعل يقول: فى الرفيق الأعلى
That 'Aisha had said; Among the blessings that God gives to me is that the Prophet diwafatkan in my house, (ie) in my day. And he was when it was in between the chin and neck. And indeed God has united liurku water with his saliva when he died. At that time Abdur-Rahman entered the house carrying a Siwak. While I lean towards this time of the Prophet. I saw him look at it Siwak. I knew he liked the Siwak. I said: I'll get you. He gestured with a nod. Kamudian give it to him. However siwak it feels rough, I bilangL I'll puree siwaknya. Beliaupun nodded. Then I puree siwaknya, and I owe to him. In between his hands there is a can or small bucket, (longline hadith (Umar) is doubtful whether there is water in it. Pestle insert his hands into the can and then wiped his face as he said; Laailaaha illallah dying real deaths ( sadly). Then he raised his hand and said; ... Arrafiiqul A'laa .... and then he passed away and his hand fell limp. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Habits of the Prophets
The habit of the Prophet bersiwak not just habit, but it turns out it was the custom siwak the Prophets as well. None of the holy book of divine religions that exist today, telling their personal details Prophet bersiwak even to anyway, except Islam. From the hadith below we too can know that the Prophet and his former rasulpun bersiwak and become their habit.
اربع من سنن المرسلين الحياء التعطر والسواك والنكاح
"Four kinds of habits of the Prophet: Shy, wearing scented husband, bersiwak and marriage." (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi. Hasan Hadith)
Prompts Siwak To Companions
"I often recommend you guys a lot bersiwak." (Narrated by Nasa'i)
لقد أمرت بالسواك حتى ظننت أنه ينزل علي فيه قرآن أو وحي
"I've always ordered bersiwak that I thought would be lowered revelation to me." (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Ya'la)
Able to Achieve Because Bersiwaklah Ridho God
السواك مطهرة للفم مرضاة للرب
"Siwak cleans the mouth and (MAMP mengapai) blessing of God." (Narrated by Nasa'i and Ibn sahihkan Khuzaimah. All rawinya tsiqot).
Siwak In Our Lives
Brush your teeth How Can The Rewards That ..???
Bersiwak or brushing your teeth while intended it to herself that it was done to get a reward, or follow the sunnah of the Prophet's reward will be rewarded. Although we assume that the brushing has been done since childhood and has become a habit to do every day, but if it does not intend the above as there is certainly no merit whatsoever. He will just clean teeth. A hadith mutawatir reminds us of the importance of presenting Intention:
إنما الأعمال بالنيات, وإنما لكل امرىء ما نوى, فمن كانت هجرته إلى الله ورسوله فهجرته إلى الله ورسوله, ومن كانت هجرته لدنيا يصيبها, أو امرأة ينكحها, فهجرته إلى ما هاجر إليه
"Verily charity perbuatanitu (very) depends on the intention and for someone (the reward) depends on the intention. Anyone who hijrahnya (only) because Allah and His Apostle, then hijrahnya to Allah and His Messenger. And whoever hijrahnya (only) for meperoleh world truly or for women who would marry, then he will get (what its target). "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
Above hadith reminds us of the importance of intention, because intention is not terpesihkan part of the worship itself.
So intend from now when brushing your teeth following the Sunnah of the Prophet, God willing, daily deeds we do, although considered was able to increase the reward once mengapai Ridho God.
Yes Yes, If I Could Rub Ablution .. If Solat Teeth!
So bring your toothbrush where-where, although the office though. But if you forget to bring a tooth can gogok bersiwak by using the hand as in the hadith below.
Because the part was written quite a long hadith relating to siwak using hand:
فغسل يديه ووجهه ثلاثا فأدخل بعض أصابعه فيه واستنشق ثلاثا
"He washed both his face three times tanggan and then insert his finger in his mouth. Then rinse and inhaling water (by mouth) three times .... "(Narrated by Ahmad, Bayhaqi and Thabarani)
But what if would be praying in the mosque? What should also bring a toothbrush?
The experts of fiqh allow bersiwak with something soft such as a handkerchief or shirttail. So when going to the mosque could be brushing my teeth at home when the ablution. But if it turns out not forget while we were in the mosque or a case like that. Can we use a handkerchief or clothing or whatever ends then we gogok our teeth modest, to win reward sunnah. Nor can use wood aru which is now on sale at many stores in Indonesia.
Worship The Highly Recommended Once Bersiwak
Actually bersiwak highly recommended at any time, but there are five highly recommended all circumstances, namely:
1. When Ablution
2. When Interlocking Prayer
3. Before Reading Al-Qur'a
4. Wake up
5. When changing bad breath
But some scholars added, namely:
6. When entering the house
7. When about to meet with others
8. When teeth yellow
9. When a lot of talk
10. When eating a bad odor
11. When reading or studying the hadiths
12. When Dhikr
13. Meal time
14. And after praying Witr
15. When entering the mosque
16. When the bath
Siwak Muakkad legal Sunnah (highly recommended at all) and too bad if you leave it. Since Siwak although considered small but able to achieve blessing and mercy of Allah as well. Besides also sebagain precious heritage of our Sunnah Salah and who want to become Takwa.
Siwak it is one of Shari'a before us because Siwak is recommended anyway since Prophet Ibrahim as dierangkan by the above hadith (Four kinds of habits of the Prophet .... ")
Praise be to Allaah Prophet always bersiwak at every opportunity even before he died he still had time to bersiwak.
One of worship which are sometimes considered to be small does not mean, however, if done as recommended by the Prophet and follow sunahnya then it will be rewarding great service. Even mentioned that siwak can mengapai Ridho Allah.
Why not get blessing at a worship, looking healthy in practice their religion. As siwak example, besides being able to make healthy mouth and teeth, can also reach Ridho siwak Allah.
A small deed, didanggap trivial, but when the intended worship, intended to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, God is able mengapai Ridho. And of course this action is also required continuous (istiqomah).
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